Monday 4 October 2010

Viva La Vida

Dear Diary,

Remember how I wanted to move out? Well, I am not sure now. Yeah, I am a mess, no doubts. Why did I change my mind? Well, because I am literally falling in love with my room. I made it so mine you know. It is so cosy, so sweet, so nice. I just can't imagine leaving it.
Well, I will move in February to that new place - that is so for sure! But I am not sure if I will move in November, like I planned before.
Because, yes, my room is really sweet<3

 I love the view from the window - especially in the morning, drinking coffee and seeing early sun - priceless.   

and this is my table. I love orange juice and love love my copybook and pink laptop hehe

something I definitely can't live without is a BIG mirror - when I just moved in it was not here, so I made my neighbour bring from somewhere. and bed is also cute. And that blue painting on the wall - later I will do a big photo of it - is done by my friend back from Russia. I love it so much - is it "Little Prince"

This pics are just amazing. I am so in love with them.

I know, tv sucks, but it is better than nothing anyway. I can still watch x factor on it, so that is okay!:)

what can I say? I don't have enough space in my wardrobe for my shoes


  1. I like your room. It`s really cool
    and I love your window ;D

  2. thanks. yaaay, window is epic.
